Outsourced Risk Officer

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    In order to improve the ability to prevent, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate a variety of manmade and natural hazards, leaders must focus their attention on identifying and executing actions to manage risks.

    The Risk officer is an important role that operates by coordinating with risk owners across all business lines utilizing critical thinking and problem-solving skills as a 2nd line of defense.

    The Risk Officer performs the key responsibilities of identifying, measuring managing and reporting risks, evaluate the progress and impact of the risk management options and determine whether adaptive action is required amongst other risk assessments.

    Re/think experts can provide niche experience in Risk function across various sectors (particularly to Fund Managers, Bank Branches/subsidiaries, Asset Managers, Financial Advisors and Brokers, Payment Service Providers) to ensure our clients have a effective risk management framework in place.

    Re/think’s experts leverage on their knowledge and experiences to provide a comprehensive scope of work inter alia that essentially covers:

    • Review, monitoring and reporting the business risk exposures and ensure that it remains within the Firm’s risk Appetite
    • Ensure systems and controls are established to mitigate or eliminate risks to include development of policies and procedures
    • Implementing procedures to identify, assess, control, monitor various risk exposures including reviews of Internal Risk Assessment Process (IRAP) to include procedures and internal risk evaluation
    • Act as appointed Risk Officer

    Please make an enquiry to find out more and speak to a senior member of our team.

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      63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


      +12 (0) 345 678 9

