Independent Non-Executive Director Services

The diversity of our senior directors, who come from different cultures and professional backgrounds and who have previously worked in all leading global financial centres, means that we readily understand our clients’ business and leverage our insights and connections in those markets for their benefit.

We offer the requisite independence from business development and diligence in applying due care and attention in carrying out contractual obligations and fiduciary responsibilities whilst effectively avoiding conflicts of interest and act in the best interest and success of your Firm.


  • Attending each meeting of the Board in person or by phone (quarterly):
    • Considering all documents contained in each Board pack provided; and
    • Make necessary deliberations and approvals as part and parcel of preparation for Board meeting in discharge of obligations as a non-executive director (NED)
    • Administrative matters( for example signing Ad hoc Resolutions, FS statements) and/or attendance at any Board Sub-Committees (as appointed)
  • Providing advice, guidance and direction on all matters affecting the Company to ensure compliance by the Company with all constitutive documents as well as legal and regulatory and compliance requirements.
  • Where necessary or appropriate, liaising with the Company’s shareholders, professional advisers, service providers and regulators to provide independent judgment on issues of strategy, policy, resources, performance and regulatory matters

Please make an enquiry to find out more and speak to a senior member of our team.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9