Family Office & Private Investor Support Services


Through our platform we routinely create and administer tailor-made solutions encompassing asset protection, wealth management and succession planning for successful individuals and international families with multi-jurisdictional interests. Our 3rd party partners are leaders in providing the below services notably encompass the following:

  • Constitution and management of companies, trusts and foundations
  • Asset structuring & administration – e.g. private equity, real estate, intellectual property, yachts and aircraft, art
  • Provision of directors and officers, provision of foundation council members
  • Protector and guardian services to trusts and foundations
  • Domiciliation and registered agent services
  • Family offices support services
  • Inbound immigration support services
  • Alternative citizenship
  • Estate administration

At Rethink, our Family Office offering in the UAE and Bahrain focuses on value added services. The main areas of focus for our offering are around your operating entities and includes the following;

  • Setting up a strong reporting function for your operations, as well as your financial assists. By outsourcing this function, the Family Office can ensure an independent 3rd party verification of figures, as well as confidentiality inside the group
  • Internal audit of operations, where you feel there may be weaknesses or potential fraud
  • VAT services, whereby you can rely on experts to ensure compliance with VAT law, as often internal employees do not have this skill set
  • Financial Due Diligence for acquisitions in the region. As we specialize in small and medium size due diligence, Re/think can become the preferred partner for a 3rd party validation of your investments
  • CFO/FM support of in the companies you invest, as well as CFO/FM support for reporting in all the companies in which you hold an interest. This service allows you to both add value in your investments, as well as reduce risk and uncertainty by ensuring there is oversight in the company the Family has invested in.
  • Non-executive director, in the space of legal, governance, or operational CFO profile that can add value to the Family or board meetings, while keeping out of the day to day running of the business. This is essential for strong governance and to have voice that will be able to add value during difficult situations faced by operations.
  • Restructuring of operations from HR and personnel to recruitment of new key people, to interim CFO and management services in cases of high growth or major changes in the organization that requires skill sets that don’t exist internally.

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9